Sunday, July 11, 2010

Are Creativity & Cashflow Connected?

I love the magic of nature! From the depths of muddy swamps come the most stunning lotus flowers, held by stalks that bend with ease but rarely break no matter how much pressure is applied!

When you feel like your business is sinking into a quagmire or your day has become a puddle of putridness, it’s time to depend on that central core of creativity and resilience that brings the beauty and brilliance back into your business.

Personally I have found that whenever my cashflow gets tight, it’s because I’m not allowing my creativity to shine through. (And I’m not talking about creative accounting here!) Through observing my business closely, I have discovered that the energy of money and the energy of creativity seem to be closely aligned! Sounds a little strange, but take a few moments to consider the possibilities…

When you are in a creative, exuberant, abundant space in your business you meet exactly the right people at exactly the right time, everything flows and you are a wellspring of ideas. When you are feeling stressed, stretched and like it is all a struggle, you can’t connect or create with ease… people feel your distress and they stay away!

So how do you move from stressed and strungout to creative, connected and cashed up? Here’s three simple tools that will allow you and your business to bloom like a lotus:

  1. Nurture yourself first… do whatever it takes to have one hour a day for you and one day a week where you don’t for a moment think about work or business. Make a list of playful, creative fun things and do whatever your body is asking of you each day… this creates the space for you to be the amazing creative abundant YOU that you truly are!
  2. Take a few hours to revisit where your business is at (As a business coach I can help you do this if you would like a fresh perspective!) – so often we get caught up in the doing, that we forget to look at the stars and create new energy and new ideas for our projects… what can you create today that will bring abundance and joy to your life and business?
  3. Do something different! If what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it’s time for a change… Surprise and delight your customers… offer something new! Take yourself to an event or activity you wouldn’t normally do… and discover a whole lot of new connections. Find some new friends online and be generous in how you connect… there are endless opportunities, what will you do differently today?
So... let us all know how your blooming goes... the flatter your energy is the more important it is to have fun! Creativity is an essential step in reviving yourself and your business!
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