Sunday, July 11, 2010

Strategy OR Tactics – What Does Your Business Need Right Now?

Many people I coach want to focus on the tactics… the ‘how’ of what they are doing ( eg those really big decisions, like ‘will I use Facebook or Twitter?’). The truth is, tactics are easily copied by your competitors, but a really smart strategy is a lot more difficult to ‘borrow’.

Building a strong business starts with smart strategies… finding those ‘AHA’ pieces that deliver the goods for your business… creating ideas that are hard to copy because they come from the heart… from the authentic core that drives your business vision.

Transforming an average business into an outstanding one is all about authenticity… buzz… and creativity. Traditional strategic planning doesn’t exactly address these topics all that well, so I’m going to suggest you play with the Revive Business Coaching approach to strategic planning – I promise it will be a lot more fun!!

Here’s a small taste of our process… what would it take for you to answer these questions from your heart, rather from a space of what you think is possible? When you allow your energy to soar, your business will rise with you! Creating new potentials is what revitalizing your strategy enables…when we allow ourselves to dream audaciously and love new perspectives!

• If anything was possible, what would people most LOVE about your business?
• What it would take for your business to transform your industry?
• What could be possible if your vision was a thousand times bigger?

Tip: Think BIG picture rather than small tactical choices… if your business could be phenomenal, what would it look like? How would it change the world?
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