Sunday, July 11, 2010

Your Purpose… What If You Already Knew The Answer?

Have you ever been in a place where you knew there was something more to life, but you didn’t know what was missing? Up until my late twenties I always felt something driving me, showing me the next part of the puzzle, but not really knowing what it all meant. For someone who is pretty good at connecting dots, I thought I must have collected a few bits from other people’s puzzles by mistake! There weren’t many visionary insights happening… and my purpose was as clear as mud.

Then in my thirties, I knew clearly I was here for a greater purpose, but still had no idea of where to start in connecting it all together. This was a time when I explored many different ideas and jobs, looking without success for the place where I ‘fit’ with ease and joy.

Fortunately, by the time I turned 40, I had gained a whole lot of clarity (thanks to a Life Direction reading with a very talented psychic) and in the past couple of years have made massive steps towards living my bliss every single day. (It’s true; life really does begin at 40!!)

This week I had a strong sense I needed a big cleanup. So I went through all of my old notebooks and journals and cleared out everything that was not energetically aligned with where I am going. What was truly fascinating was to see, so many times, how I had written about parts of my purpose, but without actually recognizing the significance of what I’d discovered. When I combine that with awareness of how so many of my jobs and life experiences have prepared me for precisely what I’m doing, it all starts to become a little spooky!! It seems I knew a whole lot more than I thought!!

So, if you don’t know what to do with your life here’s my ‘in hindsight’ thoughts on speeding up that process of discovery…

• Take note of ideas that repeatedly arise… I’ve known since I was about 27 that I would have a career as a writer… but being the sensitive soul that I am, wasn’t brave enough to write anything much until I was 40 and it became really clear that writing was a requirement for my bliss, rather than an ‘optional extra’.

• Write (!) a journal regularly and use it to explore what you most love. When I saw all those small snippets of ideas I’d had, my purpose began to seem so obvious to me – how could I not have seen it? Most often your purpose is connected with what brings you joy and happiness… of course, you can choose to suffer, but why would you if your path could be filled with bliss instead?

• Think about all of the things that are easy for you. Often what is easy for you is difficult for others… don’t think too hard, but maybe there are some money-making possibilities here for you? Also, have you noticed that a lot of people spend their entire life doing stuff that is hard or challenging rather than interesting and joyful? What if you were here to have an easy life where you do what comes naturally… would that be a whole lot more fun?

• Spend time being creative… even if you think you aren’t! (Maybe your definition is a little too narrow – creative and artistic are two different things!) Creative energy feeds your soul and enables you to explore the non-linear/non-logical parts of your life. Generally this is where those synchronistic connections are made and you discover the missing bits of the puzzle.

• Follow your intuition. Many sensitive people find their environment so overstimulating and overwhelming that intuition gets thrown out the window in favour of being a control freak of magnitude. When I follow the energy each day and ask questions about “what’s next?” my life and business flow with ease. When I try to control what’s happening, often nothing does!

All of these ideas sound simple, but when you put them together, they create a very powerful flow of blissful living in purposeful ways. So, when you think about your purpose now, do you go “oooooohh Yeah!” or “Oh Hell!”? It’s just a choice you know. (Because you do know… deep inside you it is all there, just waiting for you to recognize it.)
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