Sunday, July 11, 2010

When Change is the only Constant...

Change is the only constant we have and the acceleration of change in the last 20 years makes you wonder what else is coming… can we really go any faster? Change isn’t like a tap, we can’t turn it off when we have enough! So what are our other choices?

A common response is to go into controlling everything we can in the hope that we can ‘manage’ the change. My preferred response is to go with the flow and create and generate more than we think possible with the possibilities and potentialities available to us as the winds of time shift and blow.

I am the first to admit that this isn’t always easy. That project you are in love with that just isn’t working? Could it be time to dump it and move onto something that will flow with ease? (I did that with a whole business once – best choice I ever made!!!) That business alliance that never quite delivers what you expected…? Maybe it’s time to let it go and open the doors for new business relationships that are more rewarding… (Done that too…)

In the past month I’ve had massive changes in my life and business… I’ve launched BlissTribe (v. exciting!!), sadly put my darling little dog to sleep (heartbreaking), made a choice to move in with my Darling (which means a move to the Gold Coast, a new Brisbane office and a quick reno on the house so I can rent it out!) … it’s enough to make your head spin with delirium!!! So, here’s what I do when it all gets too much:

  • Pull right back on what I’m promising people so that I have time for rest and reviving me. Ensure there is time for nurturing, play and creativity (this feeds my ability to regenerate myself and keep moving through the overwhelm).
  • Take more time off no matter what the business is demanding of me… nothing is more important to me than keeping myself in a flow state – from that I can see clearly what is required and everything works. When I’m being a control freak, nothing works and I quietly have small meltdowns (not pretty!!).
  • Make lists… and get stuff done in power hour blocks.
  • Stay in the flow… if something isn’t working I move on and then go back to it later to see what’s possible.
  • Ask a lot of questions of the ‘What would it take for ………………………. to happen with joy and ease?’ variety. (That’s how I found a roofing company at my neighbors just by looking out the window at the right time… a great builder who can start tomorrow and a set of French doors in 20 minutes… yep, asking questions can save you a lot of time!!!)
I'm sure none of you have ever been in a situation like this... lol... so what do you do to move through the craziness of a life filled with change?
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